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Visualping Reports

How to generate instant, weekly, and monthly reports

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Written by Visualping
Updated over a week ago

Visualping's reporting tools can help you manage your workflow and enable a seamless sharing experience across your organization. Whether you need to generate reports for your coworkers or want to completely eliminate email notifications, our reporting tools are your one-stop shop.

What you'll learn:

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Generating Reports

Step 1:

Click on the report button found on the Visualping dashboard.

Step 2:

Select a range of dates you want to filter for.

Or select Since from the dropdown and choose a range from the options provided.

Step 3:

Determine whether you want your report to contain additional records.

  • Report all changes detected during the selected period - By enabling this feature, the report will contain details of every alert sent, rather than only the most recent for each job.

  • Report errors - Includes records where checks were unable to reach the webpage. There are various reasons why a webpage might be unreachable, such as an internal server error (HTTP Status Code 500) or service unavailability (HTTP Status Code 503).

Step 4:

Click Generate.

Step 5:

You can find your report within the report history panel. Choose to download it in HTML, Excel, or CSV formats.

Scheduled Reporting

Some of our customers don't want to receive constant alerts in their inboxes. Learn more about disabling email alerts here. Instead, they receive weekly or monthly reports. Others prefer both. It largely depends on whether you need notifications in real time. Whatever the case may be, let's walk through enabling scheduled reporting.

Step 1:

Click on the report button found on the Visualping dashboard.

Step 2:

Open the schedule reports panel.

Step 3:

Choose the frequency at which you want the report delivered and any applicable options.

Step 4:

Click schedule email. All email addresses on your account will receive the report. You can find more information on how to add/remove additional emails here.

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